in 2001, Theatre Link specializes in providing services
for North American performing arts organizations
in building the highest quality artistic products
(sets, costumes, props, footwear, wigs) from the
world renowned Vozrozhdenie,
Russia’s top theatrical workshop. While staying
within production budgets, Theatre Link has provided
exceptional creative service for our valuable clients.
For more information on Vozrozhdenie, click www.theater-decor.com
to go to their Website. |
Since its
beginning, Theatre Link has provided excellent customer
service in creating custom built sets and costumes
for companies known for their stunning theatrical
productions such as New York City Ballet, Ballet
Internationale, Cincinnati Ballet and Sacramento
Ballet. Many of those productions have also been
used by companies such as Washington Ballet, Atlanta
Ballet, Alabama Ballet, Austin Ballet and others.
With such a highly regarded list of clients and
the extraordinary craftsmanship that goes into Vozrozhdenie’s
sets and costumes, it’s no wonder that Theatre
Link has far exceeded its own expectations and has
rapidly grown to be one of North America’s
most important contributors to quality theatrical
productions. |
product is based on the richest traditions of theatrical
arts in combination with the latest technologies
making it economically attractive while visually
stunning. All of us at Theatre Link are very excited
about opening up new creative possibilities for
American theater. |
Link has seen incredibly dynamic developments within
our corporation and we’ve broadened our services
to represent internationally recognized designers,
artists, choreographers, ballet dancers, legendary
ballet teachers and ballet photographers. Theatre
Link also offers rental of conductor scores, piano
scores and orchestra parts for ballet performances.
A large selection of spectacular sets and costumes
for full length and one act ballets and repertoire
shows, along with dance
floors, are also available as rentals. |